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The workout class where you work on your game

You still
Love the game.

So keep training.

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The workout class where you work on your game

60 minutes of high-intensity, high-fiving, hoops drills.

Each workout is designed to get you at least 100 shots up and run an average of 3 miles while working on ball handling, agility, speed, strength endurance, and explosion.


squads that
don’t flake.

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More than just a workout.

Will you commit to a squad for a season?

Sweat’n Buckets is more like a team, less like a trendy fitness class. Sign up for a season and get 8 weeks of strength building, fat burning, competitive, skills-based practices with a coach and team who motivate you to play hard and get in shape.

Join for just $110 per season.


“You're getting shots up and working on ball-handling, one-on-one moves, and defense, all while simulating the 4th quarter fatigue. There's no better way to improve. Regardless of your skill level you will get better and get in killer shape.“

~Ben Shwartz, Sweat’n Buckets season member

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"I am hooked."

— Sarah LaRosa, Sweat’n Buckets season member



Seasons are designed and coached by a former college basketball player, coach and certified personal trainer, Caitlin Fenn.  With input from pro basketball players and NBA trainers, a full season is built to get you in the best shape for basketball- and for life.

~Founder, Coach Caitlin Fenn

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